Stable Diffusion XL Training

You can also check configs/stable_diffusion_xl/ file.


All configuration files are placed under the configs/stable_diffusion_xl folder.

Following is the example config fixed from the stable_diffusion_xl_pokemon_blip config file in configs/stable_diffusion_xl/

from mmengine.config import read_base

with read_base():
    from .._base_.datasets.pokemon_blip_xl import *
    from .._base_.default_runtime import *
    from .._base_.models.stable_diffusion_xl import *
    from .._base_.schedules.stable_diffusion_xl_50e import *

train_dataloader.update(batch_size=1)  # Because of GPU memory limit

optim_wrapper.update(accumulative_counts=4)  # update every four times

Finetuning the text encoder and UNet

The script also allows you to finetune the text_encoder along with the unet.

from mmengine.config import read_base

with read_base():
    from .._base_.datasets.pokemon_blip_xl import *
    from .._base_.default_runtime import *
    from .._base_.models.stable_diffusion_xl import *
    from .._base_.schedules.stable_diffusion_xl_50e import *

train_dataloader.update(batch_size=1)  # Because of GPU memory limit

optim_wrapper.update(accumulative_counts=4)  # update every four times

model.update(finetune_text_encoder=True)  # fine tune text encoder

Finetuning with Unet EMA

The script also allows you to finetune with Unet EMA.

from mmengine.config import read_base

with read_base():
    from .._base_.datasets.pokemon_blip_xl import *
    from .._base_.default_runtime import *
    from .._base_.models.stable_diffusion_xl import *
    from .._base_.schedules.stable_diffusion_xl_50e import *

train_dataloader.update(batch_size=1)  # Because of GPU memory limit

optim_wrapper.update(accumulative_counts=4)  # update every four times

custom_hooks = [  # Hook is list, we should write all custom_hooks again.
    dict(type=VisualizationHook, prompt=['yoda pokemon'] * 4),
    dict(type=UnetEMAHook, momentum=1e-4, priority='ABOVE_NORMAL')  # setup EMA Hook

Finetuning with Min-SNR Weighting Strategy

The script also allows you to finetune with Min-SNR Weighting Strategy.

from mmengine.config import read_base

with read_base():
    from .._base_.datasets.pokemon_blip_xl import *
    from .._base_.default_runtime import *
    from .._base_.models.stable_diffusion_xl import *
    from .._base_.schedules.stable_diffusion_xl_50e import *

train_dataloader.update(batch_size=1)  # Because of GPU memory limit

optim_wrapper.update(accumulative_counts=4)  # update every four times

model.update(loss=dict(type='SNRL2Loss', snr_gamma=5.0, loss_weight=1.0))  # setup Min-SNR Weighting Strategy

Run training

Run train

# single gpu
$ diffengine train ${CONFIG_FILE}
# Example
$ diffengine train stable_diffusion_xl_pokemon_blip

# multi gpus
$ NPROC_PER_NODE=${GPU_NUM} diffengine train ${CONFIG_FILE}

Inference with diffusers

Once you have trained a model, specify the path to the saved model and utilize it for inference using the diffusers.pipeline module.

Before inferencing, we should convert weights for diffusers format,

$ diffengine convert ${CONFIG_FILE} ${INPUT_FILENAME} ${OUTPUT_DIR} --save-keys ${SAVE_KEYS}
# Example
$ diffengine convert stable_diffusion_xl_pokemon_blip work_dirs/stable_diffusion_xl_pokemon_blip/epoch_50.pth work_dirs/stable_diffusion_xl_pokemon_blip --save-keys unet

Then we can run inference.

import torch
from diffusers import DiffusionPipeline, UNet2DConditionModel, AutoencoderKL

prompt = 'yoda pokemon'
checkpoint = 'work_dirs/stable_diffusion_xl_pokemon_blip'

unet = UNet2DConditionModel.from_pretrained(
    checkpoint, subfolder='unet', torch_dtype=torch.float16)
vae = AutoencoderKL.from_pretrained(
pipe = DiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(
    'stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0', unet=unet, vae=vae, torch_dtype=torch.float16)'cuda')

image = pipe(

Inference Text Encoder and Unet finetuned weight with diffusers


Results Example



You can check configs/stable_diffusion_xl/ for more details.